Thursday, November 20, 2008

#10 Art is Therapy

When I head upstairs to work in my art room, I get a calm but excited feeling. It is my sanctuary, a place where I can escape all the stresses of the world. A place where I have control over my creation, and nothing else really matters. Working with my hands, I am creating something from my heart. It gives me a great sense of self and accomplishment.

In this world of stress, I wish everyone had a room or place to go to, where they can truly be themselves, forget the outside world, and immerse themselves in something gratifying.

And you know what the bonus is??? That someday, this piece of art will make someone smile, whether as a gift to someone else, or a treasured keepsake for themselves. Nice thought.

I encourage everyone to find that in let go....and let your creativity out.


Beloved of the Lord said...

You've been busy here! I need to do some catching up. So far so good-- beautiful posts.
I want the man and the art room from the movie Notebook-- DUH!

WrightWalls said...

I think everyone needs a creative sanctuary, even if it can't be a full room, a corner, a notebook, whatever. Just some thing to own that they can turn to for that creative release. I've seen what a difference it makes in someone's happiness to go without having that release, then to be able to reintroduce it.... the quality of life, the happiness, the self-exploration, it soars!