Saturday, November 15, 2008

#8 A few words about Researching Shows

I am sure we will get into more details about this subject later, but for now, I wanted to just touch on a few suggestions about getting started doing Arts and Crafts Shows and Festivals.
RESEARCH!!!! Go to area shows and browse around. (I spent a lot of time doing this before I ever started doing shows. )
Take note of how big of a crowd it draws, how well the show is advertised, what types of things are offered for sale, and how well organized the show is.
Are imported items allowed, or is it all hand-crafted?
Take note of what seems to be selling.
Notice price ranges.
Don't be afraid to talk with vendors, of you meet some who are open and friendly. (you can gain very valuable information this way...and learn of other good shows)
This is the perfect time of the year to do this (plus you might get some Christmas shopping done!)
You can find shows listed in local newspapers, and on-line.


Unknown said...

Thanks for visiting. I was mighty surprised to see this post. We would like to start selling at craft shows come spring, so this topic has been recurring around here.


gourdwizard said...

Thank you Shannon, Please feel free to add your experiences or questions.

Anonymous said...

Kwai, Cass

This is a terrific idea. Crafters and artists really need to network and it is the one thing most of us are rather bad at. Too busy making things, I guess. I hope to stop in from time to time to see what new information has been shared.


stbyra said...

the one thing I can say right now is that your blog is extremely hard to read. White type on black background is one of the worst combos for older eyes (or even younger eyes that aren't that good). Please consider reversing your colors, as you have something to say, but it's too hard to read.